While doing my initial research on Gemini and determining how to use the server, I came across an interesting anecdote regarding the origin of Gemini as the name for the site. The article explains that the name Gemini comes from the pre-shuttle era of US manned spaceflight. There were three projects-- Project Mercury, Project Gemini, and Project Apollo. Project Mercury was part of the United States’ race against the Soviet Union and was a single-person capsule. The second project was Gemini which was the “middle child” this capsule could carry 2 men and could be depressurized and repressurized. This would be the capsule whose mission would last the longest of all three at 2 weeks. The 3rd project was Apollo. This was the largest of all and could carry 3 men to the moon and back. This following is a direct quote of the text I was reading but thought it does a great job explaining the meaning of the name. “Hopefully the analogy is obvious: Gopher is akin to Mercury, and the web is akin to Apollo. Gemini hopes to sit between the two, doing more with less. Gemini very deliberately didn't receive a name which had anything to do with gophers, or other rodents, or even other animals. During the earliest phlog-based discussions which eventually grew into Project Gemini, a lack of careful writing meant it was sometimes unclear whether people were talking about replacing Gopher outright, or adding unofficial, compatibility-breaking upgrades into existing Gopher clients and servers. When idle discussion turned into an actual project, it seemed wise to send a clearer message.”
